What is Obstetric Violence?

From the Appendix of Anatomy of a Self-Hating Black Woman

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What is Obstetric Violence?

Encourage leaders across the country to create specific legal remedies that address Obstetric & Gynecological Violence.

According to obstetricjustice.org Obstetric Violence is an umbrella term for:

  • verbal, emotional, physical sexual, psychological abuse & violation

  • failure to meet professional standards of care

  • racism, white supremacy, colonialism

  • misogyny, cisheterosexism, transphobia

  • bias, stigma, discrimination, bigotry [ableism, fatphobia, all the -isms]

  • prioritizing care provider’s agenda

  • institutional betrayal

  • threats, lies, forced & coerced procedures

  • violating right to bodily autonomy & integrity

  • disregarding embodied knowledge, dismissing & ignoring patient concerns

  • one-size-fits-all pathologization

  • medical paternalism

  • absence of trauma informed care as a universal precaution

  • disdain for physiological processes

  • health system constraints

  • preventable morbidity & mortality

  • lack of informed choice & consent

  • policy & routine over “evidence-based” practice

  • gaslighting, victim blaming, lack of accountability


List of Knowledge Resources for my fellow Nerdy Gals


What does Informed Consent Mean? Does it exist for Black patients?