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RJ Smith RJ Smith

Sexual Assault, Leon Black, & Jeffrey Epstein’s Beautiful People

Is it a coincidence that two people with high-ranking leadership positions at this institution have been accused of rape while the executives underneath them have concurrently evaded taking responsibility for female patients that have been harmed while seeking care? Perhaps there should be an investigation into how many other women complained about this ER doctor, David Newman, prior to the case involving DNA evidence.

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RJ Smith RJ Smith

The Colorism Elephant in the Room

If you were to do a quick google image search of “white moms” and then open another tab and search for “Black moms” you will see starkly different images. The images of white moms are feminine, dainty, and endearing, while the search results for black moms mostly yield raw pornographic frames of mostly dark-skinned women.

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RJ Smith RJ Smith

Other Black People thought I would ‘Act Funny’ when I got promoted

Anatomy of a self-hating Black Woman Part VI: My experience of internalized racism and misogyny with Dr. Michelle Yvette Francis was not my first time stepping into the landmines of the social hierarchies, particularly the haughty behavior and attitudes many people of color adopt once they feel that have “arrived” and are now above people akin to themselves. If there was any doubt that she was trying to subjugate me into a “lower Black” status she confirmed it by having her associates post online that the only reason I am writing my experience being assaulted by her as a physician is because, “I am infuriated that she is light skin”.

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RJ Smith RJ Smith

Humiliated by a Trusted Doctor

Anatomy of a Self-Hating Black Woman Part IV: A boisterous betrayal when the OBGYN I trusted raised her hand to me as if she were going to mush me and shouted callously while I was completely undressed. The damage is beyond physical pain.

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RJ Smith RJ Smith

Thank You For Threatening Violence

It is with the utmost gratitude and overflowing abundance of appreciation I extend to you Dr. Michelle Yvette Francis for calling up your goons to threaten to assault me. This type of gutter high-tech thuggery is very becoming of a mature woman and board-certified physician at a world-class institution. Thank you for proving yourself to be an excellent role-model by sharing my personal health information with your associates that I had not previously published in the narrative regarding you humiliating me in my nakedness at my OBGYN annual well woman exam. This is an extraordinary manner to show remorse and basic human decency. What happened to your boisterous pro-woman façade? URL to Message Board:

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RJ Smith RJ Smith

Fibroids & Fraudulent Feminism

Anatomy of a Self-Hating Black Woman Part III: While I lay in stirrups at an annual well woman exam, the OBGYN was verbally abusive towards me. She called me a “misogynist” when I mentioned the hypothesized connection between fibroids and chemical hair relaxers. Upon reflection I know she behaved in such a callous and disrespectful manner because she made a sweeping judgement about my level of intelligence based on my gender and skin color…how is a DE&I champion in Fintech and board member of a nonprofit that helps women find gainful employment a misogynist? The violence that was directed towards me that day is evidence of Dr. Francis’s projection.

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RJ Smith RJ Smith

What is Obstetric Violence?

According to Obstetric Violence is an umbrella term for:

verbal, emotional, physical sexual, psychological abuse & violation

failure to meet professional standards of care

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RJ Smith RJ Smith

What does Informed Consent Mean? Does it exist for Black patients?

Anatomy of a Self-Hating Black Woman Part II: During my annual well-woman exam, my former physician tried to pressure me into getting birth control that I did not need. She did not inform me about any of the benefits about the course of treatment she was proscribing and suggested that I should get an IUD in case I had a one night stand the same day following my appointment. Her assumption of promiscuity came after asking me the racial identity of my sister who was an English teacher in Korea before COVID-19, thus one can reasonably conclude her asserting that I engage risky sexual behavior with strangers is based on a racial stereotype or perhaps she was projecting. She has not given me a reason to suggest otherwise.

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RJ Smith RJ Smith

What does it mean to be Black?

Anatomy of a Self-Hating Black Woman Part I: My former OBGYN asked the racial identity of my sister when I shared that she was an English Teacher in Korea that happened to also be fluent in Korean. Why wouldn’t my sister be Black? If a white male had done the same thing during an invasive exam of a woman, how would the medical community and broader society respond? If we are striving for equity, then are we not required to hold all doctors and providers to the same standards? Do Black lives only matter when the abusive encounter involves law enforcement? Was I not supposed to recognize this microagression?

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RJ Smith RJ Smith

Anatomy of a Self-Hating Black Woman

Unmasking Obstetric & Gynecological Violence | Listen to Audio of Mount Sinai (Erica Rubinstein, VP Patient Experience) trying to convince me to do a case study after being humiliated and discarded by my physician:

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RJ Smith RJ Smith

Letter Sent to Dr. Toni Stern & Mount Sinai Patient Relations

On January 25, 2022 I was still very shaken by what occurred and so embarrassed that my vulnerability was exploited by someone I trusted for their own ego gratification. When I talked about it that day, I had to stay surface and even dissociate in order to keep my composure. Upon reflection I realize that while my diplomacy was palatable for all, it could have fertilized ground for Dr. Michelle Y. Francis to spin this ordeal as a small issue around semantics and downplay her egregious conduct and aggressive behavior. You, as the chief patient experience officer, deserve to know the less palatable details of what occurred so that future patients do not have to experience this.

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RJ Smith RJ Smith

Letter Sent to Dr. Michelle Yvette Francis

Mount Sinai Doctor Directory Photo | Yelp Reviews | Google Reviews [no copyright infringement is intended] | Listen to Audio of Mount Sinai (Erica Rubinstein, VP Patient Experience) trying to convince me to do a case study after being humiliated and discarded by my physician:

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