Thank You For Threatening Violence
An Update on Anatomy of a Self- Hating Black Woman
Open Letter to Dr. Michelle Yvette Francis | August 9, 2022
It is with the utmost gratitude and overflowing abundance of appreciation I extend to you Dr. Michelle Yvette Francis for calling up your goons to threaten to assault me. This type of gutter high-tech thuggery is very becoming of a mature woman and board-certified physician at a world-class institution. Thank you for proving yourself to be an excellent role-model by sharing my personal health information with your associates that I had not previously published in the narrative regarding you humiliating me in my nakedness at my OBGYN annual well woman exam. This is an extraordinary manner to show remorse and basic human decency. What happened to your boisterous pro-woman façade?
You are not pro-woman, you are a fraud and conniving coward. You embody everything that’s wrong with some Black people who feel they have “arrived”. Just admit it, you wanted to subjugate me in my capacity as a patient and hold my autonomy hostage. You went on a power trip and felt entitled to behave in a hostile and domineering manner. You and other sunken place dwelling pseudo-pro-woman female OBGYNs are dangerous. Women wrapped in a white coat of patriarchy and more loyal to an establishment that generally disregards women and certainly views BIPOC women as disposable than you are to those that share your likeness.
You’re sick of woman bashing? Look in the mirror Dr. Francis, observe how you showed up to my appointment.
Do you want to know what I am sick of? Arrogant, self-centered, mean and nasty Black Women like you who go around bleeding negativity on people and sowing seeds of misery. You do not represent us well. You deeply violated me and my only regret is that I tried to be nice about it.
You did not feel you had to conduct yourself professionally because I am Black and you are so above your own people that you were not woman enough to apologize to me.
Telling your associates my health information was sloppy and you have a leaky ship, it is remarkable how you still think you can sit back and pretend this did not happen. Be real with yourself, this is not an isolated incident, every day that you to decide not to address your unacceptable behavior, you only give another woman that you abused more time to muster the courage to hold you accountable.
Do you think I have not been informed about what you are saying?
You told your associate that I am “jealous” of you because you are of a fairer complexion?!?! Please step up into 2022 and leave your School Daze mindset in the gully where it belongs.
Why are you taking it there? I published a link describing the tenets of “Displaced Anger” and “Projection”. You ought to leverage the URLs in my narrative, perhaps it will inspire some self-reflection. There is still an opportunity to face that mirror and crossover to speak from a place of truth and integrity.
Please stop telling people that all I want is money. Did you forget that I was an investment banker? I appreciate your concern regarding my finances, please rest assured I am not missing any meals. Not all Black Professionals are as all about the Benjamin’s or as image obsessed as you even at the expense of hurting their own people. (Keyword: Projection)
The ship is leaky and Mount Sinai is in a pickle, you still work there because if they fired you now it would appear to be an admission of guilt so they are not sure what exactly to do and counting on me to give up pursuing justice. I cannot help but to shake my head, if only they understood how much a woman like me had to outwork countless people to excel in very male and pale institutions. I am a recovering workaholic that often relapses and I can do anything I set my mind to, you refused to take accountability and now I am holding you accountable.
A day will come when you can no longer deny what you did to me and the institution will have lift up their rug.
I promise that I will never ever ever let you or Mount Sinai sweep me away. I am standing up for more than just myself and the jig is up. You cannot treat women patients like they are dumb children and BIPOC women as though they are ignorant and subhuman.
Yours Truly,
Ms. Roslyn J. Smith
Listen to Audio of Mount Sinai (Erica Rubinstein, VP Patient Experience) trying to convince me to do a case study after being insulted, humiliated and then discarded by my physician: